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#365DaysOfHabits Day 21; Salted Wounds (27 January 2015)

Mixing together two elements that doesn’t normally go together, can be quiet the occasion. Scientists experiment with it, fashion designers thrive in it, and politicians shake hands over it. Me? Well, I have always been some sort of mix thrown into life, and I don’t necessarily react well. It is like me and luck — we don’t gel well, never have. It’s not that I haven’t tried to add it into the mix, but I don’t have any. Some people have all the luck in the word, and then some!

Then today my luck turned, slightly. I don’t want to jinx it, so perhaps I shouldn’t write about it? Oh well, I shall place my bets. It’s hysterical really.

I always hear people say, you have to make your own luck in this world, could that be true? I’m not so sure, because could it really still be considered luck? Luck isn’t hard work, luck isn’t a representation of anything you have or haven’t done, it isn’t even a reward of any sorts — it simply is an unexplainable act of above and beyond, where all the forces of the universe come together and shine down on you for that slit second in time — or in some people’s cases, for quite a generous amount of time. I have this friend, she’s like the Ashley Albright when it comes to luck, and I’m,well…Jake Hardin. It’s not like I have bad luck, so perhaps that is a bad comparison, but you get what I’m saying.

But, let’s have some fun! Life’s too short to get wrapped up in something we really have no control over. Like some many other things in life, I think luck strikes when you absolutely expect it the very least, I truly can vouch for that.

So, lucky or unlucky…I guess that's just my luck.

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